Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Life With Bebe

Things that I realized today:

When I looked in my jacket pockets, I had one baby sock in one pocket and two pacifiers in the other.

Both bedrooms in our home smell like spoiled milk, even when the windows are open and all of the laundry is clean.

I had dried baby poop on one fingernail.

I had a full conversation with William while grocery shopping.

I drove around Sycamore and DeKalb aimlessly for about twenty minutes to make sure William was sound asleep.


William is a super sweet little butterball.  I went in for a lactation consult today at our hospital and after eating he weighed over 12 pounds!  For the last few weeks we have been dealing with a little extra gas.  (William, not me.)  After much research and speaking with the nurses, it sounds like a pretty normal thing for babies under three months, especially first borns.  His little GI tract is still developing and he is figuring out how to poop.  In an effort to help him, I have given up dairy for awhile.  (Between that, less sugar, and starting to exercise again, I feel pretty good considering I am taking care of a newborn around the clock.)  We have tried gripe water and mylocin drops, but I don't think either of those things helped the little guy.  The only thing that seems to comfort him when he's gassy or fussy is mom's milk, hence the 12 lb weigh in today!  The nurses suggested turmeric and a new baby carrier along with some different feeding holds.  Otherwise, we just continue to love our little man more every day!

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